When Nolan was a toddler, I cherished the special one-on-one times that we had every day. He was my little side-kick and some of my sweetest memories of his babyhood are of the two of us doing our ordinary, everyday tasks together. He was always so cheerful and smiley. In fact, going grocery shopping with him was an event - mostly because he insisted on smiling and talking to nearly every person in the store. He was (and still is) such a charmer!
Things were different the second time around with Livi. Having two kids home meant that my attention was nearly always divided and while I loved being a mom of two and had many beautiful, wonderful moments, I was sad that I never really got to have those special one-on-one times with Livi in the same way that I did with Nolan.
But now that Nolan has been attending school two days a week, I have really enjoyed the opportunity to spend some girl time with my sweet daughter. She is much more reserved than Nolan ever was. She will play quietly, color, watch a show, or snuggle with me all day long, whereas Nolan only ever lasted a few minutes with any one of those things. She's so much more independent than he is. I have loved to get to see her little personality come out and watch her explore and learn new things. She is so incredibly funny and smart as a whip.
I'm so grateful for my two special kids and the fact that I get to be home with them to soak up all these precious memories!
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