Thursday, January 11, 2018


Livi is so sweet at bedtime.  She always wants me to stay longer and as she begs me for one more story, I clearly hear the voice of my Dad in my head from when I was little..."'re stalling."  (I think this always stood out to me because I didn't know what the word stalling meant - I thought it had something to do with a barn...) Anyway, like mother, like daughter.  And my daughter can stall with the best of them.  But lately, she's been stalling with requests for a thousand kinds of kisses.  First a hug, then a kiss on the mouth.  Then a "Mock-mo" (Eskimo) kiss on her nose.  Next comes the butterfly kisses with both left and right eyelashes, and finally a Moose - her invention where we bump our heads together.  Then as I walk to the door and say "See you in the morning," she says, "No, Mommy, No!!" and demands another Mock-mo kiss or another hug and because I'm a sucker, we start all over again.'re stalling!

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