Saturday, May 1, 2021

Harry Potter Celebration!

Well, we did it! We finished all 874 pages of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!  It was quite an accomplishment, and even more impressive was Nolan's beautiful report that he worked on for school.  He outlined the heroes, the villains, important settings, and vocabulary from the book.  He worked really hard and I was really proud of him.  To celebrate we decided to do a Harry Potter party, complete with chocolate frogs, butterbeer, a meal from the Harry Potter cookbook, and some of the favorite classes from Hogwarts.  We repotted plants in Herbology, checked our fortunes in Divination, and made tasty (and not-so-tasty) Potions. I love sharing my love for this series with my kids.  Onward to the Half-Blood Prince!

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