Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother's Day weekend

 For Mother's Day weekend, we headed to Eau Claire for the first time since Grandma's funeral last September.  We were all so excited!  We finally got to meet Grandma's new horse, Bindy, and take her for a spin.  Olivia was in love and Bindy did so well with her.  I think she's going to be a great fit for Grandma and look forward to getting to know her better!  Simon really liked the horses and Grandma and Grandpa's house, but calls Elliot the "or-see" and Jazz the "cow".  Not sure why Jazz is a cow - he certainly doesn't look cow-like, but it's cute and he loves to feed them both carrots.  (and have a little taste for himself...)

On Saturday afternoon, Grandma D came to visit.  We played Dominoes with her and she seemed so happy.  It has been way to long since we've seen her - she is so sweet with her great-grandkids!  There are 47 of them now!

Olivia wanted us all to match, so the girls sported cheetah gear for our Mother's Day brunch.  Eric made us delicious chocolate chip scones, along with our egg bake, fruit, and plenty of mimosas.  One of my favorite parts of the weekend was finally getting the blue topaz ring that Grandma Edie left for me.  I remember her talking about me having this ring for years, and now I feel like a part of her is with me when I wear this beautiful ring.  It even fit me like it was custom designed for me!  I miss her so much.

It was so good to be back in Eau Claire and to spend some time with my parents on this Mother's Day.  I am so thankful for my mom, and all of the wonderful women in my life who are nurturing, strong, devoted mothers.  Happy Mother's Day!

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