Sunday, May 16, 2021

Planting Flowers

He may look cute and innocent, but this little boy is a terror if you're trying to get something done outside.  If you turn your eyes away for a second, he is running toward the road, retaining wall, or stairs.  He seems to have a sixth sense for danger, but instead of avoiding it, he runs right for it.  Having him outside while we were trying to get the flowers planted and the yard cleaned up was definitely an adventure.  We broke out his water table and that gave us about twenty minutes of stillness while he figured out the best way to make that dangerous.  He decided climbing in it was the best plan.  

While Simon napped, Livi and I finished up the planting.  We did our fairy gardens and planted some seeds for herbs and lettuce to grow on our deck.  I always look forward to planting day in the spring.  It makes me so happy to get the yard looking pretty after another long winter!


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