Friday, May 28, 2021

Homeschool - Nature and Conservation

We learned about seeds and planted some Forget-Me-Nots, courtesy of a kit from our library.  

We played with our ocean animals and created a simulation of an oil spill using water with food coloring and vegetable oil tinted with cocoa powder.  We discovered how difficult it was to clean it up.  The more that we tried to soak it up, the more it spread.  Our animals and our feather were coated in grease.  Dish soap repelled the oil and worked well to clean up our animals, but we can't use it to clean the water.  Reducing the amount of oil we use seems like the best way to help prevent this disaster.  

Olivia finished Volume 2 of her math book!

We made posters and wrote haikus for Earth Day.

Each of the kids wrote about what was their favorite part of staying overnight at the cabin.  Both of them really enjoyed the wildlife.

We made our own rain gauge, though we didn't have enough rain to be able to measure anything.

We learned some songs about rain - "It's Raining, It's Pouring," "If All the Raindrops." and "Rain, Rain, Go Away." 

We had some wonderful books and resource material from the library.  I have so enjoyed our morning meetings and reading these wonderful books with them.

They wrote beautiful Cinquain poems about a pine tree and a dandelion.

Nolan finished the second volume of his Math book.

We did an experiment to see how blubber protects Artic animals from the freezing water.  We used shortening on one hand and nothing on the other.  The fat really insolated and protected from the icy chill of the water.

They made these beautiful step-by-step posters of the life cycle of a flower.

We had lots of extra dandelions in our yard this year, so we made these beautiful creations.  It was a gorgeous day and the kids loved this.

We planted mint seeds in the little animal planters they got for Easter.

Olivia's reading has really taken off!  She loves to read the Elephant and Piggie books and can read this whole thing all by herself!!

This is the plan for the tree house Grandpa and Nolan want to build out at the cabin.  I love how practical/impractical it is.

We were lucky enough to see a fox in our front yard!

We made bird feeders for the birds in our yard.  Simon mostly just licked peanut butter of his plate, but it kept him busy.  We hung them up in our front and back yards.


We took a trip to Hansen's Garden Center to see different kinds of flowers and plants.

Nolan has been working hard on learning multiplication and division.  Though above the second grade level, he has figured it out and likes to work on his color by number Pokemon math book.

Deer in the back yard.

We painted rocks for our rock garden.  Simon really loves to play with them outside.

Turkey in our front yard.

Learning to take care of flowers.

Mesmerized by the "bulldozer" (stump grinder) cleaning up the giant stump that was rotting in our front yard.

Livi learned how to use a knife and practiced her cutting skills on some sausage for our egg bake.

Grandpa Steve came to help us with some tree cleanup in our yard.  One of our dogwood trees has died and is losing bark.  After we got it down, we found out it was hollow in places!  The kids were big helps with cleaning up the brush and we got all the wood stacked for future campfires.

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