Sunday, October 16, 2016


Last night Eric and I got to have a date night with some of our favorites and we had a great time!  We kicked off the evening by showing off our amazing bowling skills at Hodag Lanes.  Neither Eric nor I are particularly gifted in the bowling category, but I did manage to break 100 while Eric boasted a gentleman's 55.

We headed to Peking for some yummy Chinese food and while we were there we were fantasizing about the delicious ice cream from A'la Mode, a little ice cream shop in one of the laundromats in town.  (Yes, laundromat!)  After our dinner, we headed there to find the doors locked and lights off - it was closed!  Turns out, the owner of the shop happened to be out to eat at Peking and overheard us dreaming about their ice cream.  She hurried there to meet us and opened up the shop just for us.  We got our ice cream fix and she totally made our night.  Sometimes life in a small town can't be beat.

We love spending time with Andy & Katie and Macie & Vij.  We all laughed so hard and had such a great time together. It's so amazing (and rare) when you find people you just click with and we're so glad we got to have a kid-less evening out with them! 

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