Monday, October 3, 2016


This year Steve and Patti turned 60!  With the help of Eric's siblings, we decided to throw them a big surprise birthday party out at the cabin.  Trying to keep the surprise was not easy, particularly with a few of their loose-lipped friends.  But it all paid off when 60 of their closest friends and family members were waiting to celebrate with them at the cabin on Saturday afternoon.  

My mom and dad brought up their charcoal chicken grill and Bret and Stacy brought their corn roaster, and we all enjoyed an awesome cookout, complete with Steve and Patti's favorite desserts, and a bonfire with s'mores.

All their favorites - poppyseed cake, apple cake, chocolate chip cookies, and Patti's "Signature" cheesecake

Steve and Patti are truly a second set of parents for me.  They treat me like a daughter and are supportive, loving, and fun.  It was fun to be able to do something special for them.  

I think they were particularly surprised and happy to see Brad and Stacy and their families up from the Milwaukee area.  We don't see them very often and it was nice that the whole family could be there to celebrate this occasion together.

Cheers to sixty wonderful years and here's to many, many more!  Happy Birthday, Steve and Patti!

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