Sunday, October 30, 2016


Lately our sweet little Livi has turned into a wild woman.  She is the master of disaster, getting into every cupboard, drawer, nook, and cranny.  She recently got herself lodged in the lazy susan and was beside herself.  I didn't know how I was going to get her out!  One of her favorite pastimes is emptying the Tupperware drawer and climbing inside of it.  She protests loudly if I tell her no and throws herself on the floor in a tantrum if I take her out. She climbs EVERYTHING, including the couch, window sills, coffee table...she even made it up to the buffet.  She purposefully smashes food into her hair or looks me right in the eye while dropping food on the floor.  She is a regular mischief maker, full of spunk and opinions!  Good thing she's soooooo stinking cute!

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