Wednesday, August 30, 2017

4K Open House

This boy is starting school soon!  His 4K open house was the other night and he wanted to dress fancy, so he found his favorite clip-on tie and baseball hat.  We got to meet his teacher, Mrs. Powell, and see his new classroom.  He did really well, but was a little shy (as expected) with the other kids.  It will be an adjustment for all of us.  I'm feeling a little sad and anxious too, but am trying to be Miss Positivity for his sake.  I know he will be fine and that he will love it, but leaving him with someone else while he's feeling sad and anxious breaks my heart.  We've been talking a lot about being brave and beating the fears.  (These pep talks are as much for Mama as for Nolan...)  Look out Pelican Elementary, here he comes!

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