Monday, August 7, 2017

Flippy Froggerson

The other day I was weeding around our big pine tree in the front yard when I saw a hole in the ground.  At first I was unconcerned, thinking it might just be a gopher hole. But then my mind started to race and I started thinking that I might be weeding right next to a friend of a more slithery nature.  My heart started to race a bit and I was internally talking myself off the ledge when this giant toad popped out at me.  I screamed and fell backward into the grass in my frantic attempt to get away.  (I'm sure the new neighbors were all impressed.)  He and I came to an understanding that if he didn't pop out at me again, he could sit there and I would just go about my weeding business.

About that time, the Lindner kids came over and since they are frog and toad catching extraordinaires, they caught my new friend within seconds of hearing the story.  Despite his peeing protest, the kids continued to play with him and love on him for the next hour or two.  They named him Flippy Froggerson.  Assuming he lived to tell the tale after his kiddo encounter, I'm sure he will think twice about popping up and surprising me again...

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