Thursday, August 17, 2017

love day cards

The other day, Nolan had quite a tantrum.  A charging-at-his-parents, screaming, throwing-himself-violently-against-the-door for over an hour, epic kind of tantrum.  I believe it stemmed from me finally having enough of being called "Stupid Mommy" a thousand times that day.  Regardless of the cause of it, it was not fun for any of us.  The next day, Nolan decided that he needed to work on a project: love day cards.  He got the idea from watching the Love Day episode of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  He spent a good share of the afternoon writing the sweet love day cards to Daddy, Olivia, and me.  I think he must have felt bad about the day before.  He asked me to make him one, too. Once he had finishing carefully writing all his letters, and given them to Olivia and me, he went outside to wait for Daddy to get home.  He waited outside on his little blue car for over an hour with Daddy's love day card.  He is such a thoughtful and tenderhearted little guy. 

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