Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Home Sweet Home

Is this a magic house?  The first night of sleeping here was amazing.  Nolan slept in his own room the entire night until about 6:30 the next morning.  This hasn't happened since before Olivia was born.  The dog slept on his bed all night and didn't make a peep.  He didn't even need to go in his kennel.  Every second in this house, I love it more and more; the spacious roominess, the gorgeous hard wood floors, the bedrooms all on one floor, and the master bathroom...Oh, how I love having a master bathroom.  I love looking out the windows and seeing green, not cars or people, just green.  The yard is amazing, too, and the kids are having a blast playing and watching the crittters (birds, bunnies, gophers, toads, and squirrels) scurry about.  And then there's the neighborhood.  It's so quiet and peaceful.  And we're all loving having the best neighbors and friends right across the street.  For me, this house feels more like home already than it did after five years in our old house.  We are so thankful this opportunity came along.  Life is good.

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