Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Before we moved to Rhinelander, I was a full time music teacher in Long Prairie, MN.  I taught several classes of general music, as well as nearly all of the choirs in the 6-12th grade program.  My days were very taxing, though fulfilling as a whole.  When we made our big move four years ago, I had to walk away from my career, and the hundreds of students that I had taught for many years in a row.  It was not easy to leave my students, but at the time I was burnt out - tired of constantly defending my position from budget cuts, and worn out from all of the political teacher's lounge drama. 

When we arrived in Rhinelander, I was about six months pregnant with Nolan.  I didn't plan on pursuing teaching immediately, as I thought it would be very stressful to be starting a new job in the midst of all the other changes.  Shortly after Nolan was born, I started teaching private lessons to Eric's cousins, Paige and Claire.  

Over the past four years, my studio has grown to fourteen weekly students.  I teach Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings and I've got to tell you that I've got the best bunch of students around.  Not only are they fantastic students, but they are so very kind and caring.  My kids are so lucky because while Mommy is at "work," they get to have play dates!  Here are some of the sweet and adorable messages some of the kids have left for Nolan in his room:

Last night we had our annual Christmas recital.  Everyone did such a great job and I am always so proud to hear how far they've come!  I didn't expect that I would be teaching private lessons out of our home, but I am so grateful for this wonderful group of families that allow me to opportunity to do what I love, while being able to be home with my kids.  

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