Sunday, December 11, 2016

We LOVE our library!

I know I've posted about our great library before, but the awesome services they provide for our kids continue to impress me.  We still go to Storytime every Thursday and our kids just LOVE our librarians.  Little Livi Lu has a special place in her heart for Mr. Tom, and at the sight of him, takes off running with her arms outstretched.  She'll sit on his lap during the entire movie, never even trying to escape.  Nolan loves Mr. Tom, too and I think it's really cool to have a male librarian as a role model to show young boys that reading is for them, too!

Mrs. C definitely goes above and beyond with the many programs she offers for the kids.  She is always willing to help recommend specific books she's picked out for our kids and often will sit and do a puzzle with Nolan after storytime.  He loves this one-on-one attention.  

I'm so grateful to have a fun and educational (and free!!) place to take my kids every week!  

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