Saturday, December 31, 2016

sleigh ride

One of our activities for our cabin weekend, was a New Year's Eve sleigh ride.  We met at the Woodpecker Restaurant and loaded up in our big sleigh pulled by two big black Percherons, Mama and Baby.  We set off through the snowy trails and yes, there were jingle bells. It was especially fun when we came to a hill and Mama and Baby got a little excited and broke into a lively trot!

After a while, we stopped to spend some time at a bonfire with some hot chocolate.  We got to pet the horses and warm up a bit before our last stretch home.  On the way back home, Mom got to drive the girls.  She did a good job, and kept us for taking any corners too narrow and knocking into a tree! What a fun and festive way to bring in 2017!

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