Saturday, December 31, 2016

Visit with Grandma and Grandpa D

One of our last stops of our Christmas marathon was Grandma and Grandpa Danzinger's house.  It is always a treat to have the opportunity to visit with them.  I wished we lived closer, so it happened more often.  

Grandpa was a Korean war veteran, though he was never one to talk much about it.  However, today he was feeling in the mood, and took out his album to share some memories with us.  He was drafted into the war as a young man, and was not happy about it at the time.  However, he told us, "I wasn't very happy about going at the time.  But, looking back on it now, I'm glad I got to go.  I got to see the country."  His military training took place in Oklahoma, so he took a Greyhound bus to Minneapolis before he got on a train down to Oklahoma.  He was deployed from the San Francisco area, so he also had the chance to see the West Coast while leaving and returning from Korea.  He was stationed there for not quite a year - from March until December. Interestingly, Grandpa was one of the only vets that thought to bring a camera with him, so he an entire album filled of pictures of the many sights he saw while stationed in Korea.  One of his most important responsibilities while over there was to drive the jeep that carried the general from place to place.  I'm glad we had the chance to listen to some of these stories, as they're such an important part of our family and American history!

I realized that we never took any 4 generation pictures after Olivia was born, so we took the opportunity to take some that day.  It's always so apparent when I spend time with Grandma, why she had eight kids and many foster kids.  She just loves spending time with little ones.  She was in the playroom finding fun things for them to do, and just lights up when she gets to play with them.  Grandpa also has a great sense of humor and you can tell her just gets a kick out of seeing the little ones.  Our kids are so lucky to be so loved!  

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