Sunday, December 4, 2016

O Christmas Tree

We got our Christmas tree up this week.  We found a "slim" tree at the Thrift Store a few weeks back that fit perfectly in our tight living room quarters and it turned out beautiful!  I love that it has tons of ornaments, many of which have a story.  There are several that were Eric's when he was a boy and several that were mine.  We have some that were made especially for us, including some of the beautiful crocheted ornaments that my Great Grandma Lucy made.  I love the mix of the old and new and all of the lights and sparkles make me so happy!  

I anticipated that Livi would be awful about trying to climb the tree and rip off all the ornaments.  Thankfully, she's been pretty tame about it, and though she likes to carry a few ornaments around (especially the one with our family picture on it), she hasn't really damaged anything or hurt herself.  Thank goodness!

Grandma Patti got the kids these cute matching jammies, so I had to snap a few pictures of my Christmas babies under the tree.  They are so precious! 

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